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2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'lincoln christian u'|...defend themselves against rogue states if the U.N. has shown itself to be impotent...one great advantage for moral realists, Christian and otherwise: it is a peace that can be...

About 'lincoln christian u'|...defend themselves against rogue states if the U.N. has shown itself to be impotent...one great advantage for moral realists, Christian and otherwise: it is a peace that can be...

Headlined               by               Lincoln               Brewster               and               Todd               Agnew,               the               2007               Stand               and               Be               Counted               Festival               was               a               successful               outing               for               musicians               and               Christians               alike.

Located               at               the               Nut               Tree               Park               in               Vacaville               (between               San               Francisco               and               Sacramento),               this               year's               Stand               And               Be               Counted               featured               over               13               bands               and               was               designed               to               also               honor               the               U.S.

Armed               Forces.

Many               performers               acknowledged               the               service               of               the               military               members               in               the               crowd               (Travis               Air               Force               Base               is               only               10               miles               away),               and               the               show               even               featured               a               presentation               of               the               American               flag               as               well               as               a               grand               rendition               of               Lee               Greenwood's               "God               Bless               the               U.S.A".

By               Faith               Productions               was               the               company               responsible               for               organizing               this               year's               event.

They               also               put               on               the               previous               two               year's               Stand               and               Be               Counted               festivals.

According               to               Vince               McCallister,               By               Faith               Productions               head               organizer,               over               6,000               people               attended               this               event               that               was               run               by               200               +               volunteers               that               came               from               all               over               the               area.

Many               local               and               national               companies               sponsored               the               event               to               include               MAACO;               KLOVE,               a               nationally               syndicated               Christian               Contemporary               Radio               Station;               Coffee               World;               and               Mission               Solano,               a               local               homeless               shelter.

Several               local               vendors               were               able               to               set               up               shop               and               sell               their               wares               as               well               as               their               businesses               to               the               passer-bys.
               On               the               Main               Stage,               many               of               the               biggest               names               professed               their               love               for               Jesus               and               gave               their               blessings               and               talents               to               the               thousands               in               attendance.

And               for               anyone               there               who               thought               Contemporary               Christian               bands               were               just               acoustic               guitar               players               on               a               stool,               they               were               in               for               a               big               surprise.

Transparent               was               a               hip-hop               act               who               won               the               American               Christian               Talent               contest.

Relentless               Pursuit               could               have               easily               been               mistaken               for               a               mix               between               Sum               41               and               The               Hives,               with               their               punk-pop               sound               and               tasteful               suits.

They               riled               dozens               of               kids               into               frenzy               in               the               front               of               the               stage;               I               had               to               break               up               a               mosh               pit               led               by               14               year-old               girls.

Darell               Mansfield               blessed               folks               with               his               blues-inspired               set,               complete               with               a               cover               of               Robert               Johnson's               "Crossroads".
               The               festival               had               more               than               just               musicians.

Also               featured               were               Glory               Skateboards,               a               touring               skateboard               company               that               set               up               a               mobile               park               for               patrons               to               skate,               ride,               and               rollerblade               on.

They               also               sponsored               bringing               3               skateboarders               from               Brazil               to               perform               for               the               public.
               Included               in               the               festivities               were               several               activities               for               children,               such               as               10               inflatable               jump               castles               and               an               entire               tent               devoted               to               children's               ministry.

Clowns,               puppeteers               and               other               children's               entertainment               kept               the               little               ones               busy               throughout               the               day.
               The               alternative               stage,               set               up               ride               outside               the               main               gate,               was               a               surprise               hit               to               the               visitors.

Outstanding               performances               by               heavy-rock               band               Dizmas               and               soul-singing               Jennifer               Newell               in               her               band               ThankFull               highlighted               the               outer               stage.

ThankFull               also               featured               Mary               Cary,               a               crazy-talented               guitar               goddess               that               used               to               play               with               Simon               Stinger.

No               Middle               Ground               and               My               Second               Chance               also               surprised               people               with               their               deep               lyrics               and               technically               sound               playing,               with               No               Middle               Ground               featuring               a               lead               keyboard               and               My               Second               Chance               with               their               6-piece               nu               metal               sound.
               The               last               two               performances               of               the               day               couldn't               have               closed               out               the               day               better.

Lincoln               Brewster               played               his               hit               songs               "Majestic"               and               "You               Are               the               One",               peppering               each               track               with               bluesy               and               Santana-like               solos.

He               closed               out               his               set               with               a               personal               testimony,               describing               how               he               grew               up               in               Alaska               with               an               abusive               father.

He               gave               his               life               to               Christ               at               the               age               of               19               and               encouraged               those               in               the               audience               to               do               the               same               if               they               hadn't               already.
               After               his               testimony,               Lincoln               announced               that               although               the               concert               was               free               to               the               public,               the               actual               cost               to               the               promoters               was               $40,000               dollars               and               that               any               donation               given               would               help               off-set               the               cost.

Within               20               minutes,               volunteers               were               able               to               collect               almost               $7,500,               putting               a               sizeable               dent               in               the               funds.
               Closing               out               the               entire               evening               was               Todd               Agnew               who               mixed               his               set               with               funny               stories,               musings,               and               even               a               little               "tough               love"               preaching.

He               spoke               about               the               anger               in               his               heart               with               some               of               Christian               radio               and               its               lack               of               diversity.

"Where               are               the               Latino               performers,               the               black               performers,               the               African-American               artists?"               As               the               crowd               clapped               in               approval,               he               immediately               stopped               them               saying               "I               don't               want               you               to               cheer;               I               want               you               to               change.

Get               involved               and               get               active."
               By               Faith               Productions               hopes               that               the               success               of               this               show               brings               more               sponsors               to               help               set               up               another               Stand               and               Be               Counted               for               2008.

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