2013년 12월 4일 수요일

About 'abraham lincoln college'|...previously published in Alumni Reflections, Charter Oak State College's literary journal. Copyright 2008-2010, Michèle P. Rousseau

About 'abraham lincoln college'|...previously published in Alumni Reflections, Charter Oak State College's literary journal. Copyright 2008-2010, Michèle P. Rousseau

               Long               before               he               was               a               vampire               hunter,               Abraham               Lincoln               pushed               hard               for               higher               education.

While               the               latter               subject               isn't               a               hit               movie,               there's               some               actual               evidence               for               this.

But               150               years               after               Lincoln's               heavy               promotion               of               collegiate               learning,               how               do               we               feel               the               role               of               higher               education.

Is               it               a               right,               or               a               privilege?

A               Carnegie               Corporation               poll               shows               that               people               feel               it               is               a               right,               even               during               the               war               on               terrorism               and               fears               about               big               budgets.
               There               seems               to               be               a               connection               between               the               connection               between               higher               education               promotion               and               conflict.

During               the               Civil               War,               President               Lincoln               signed               into               law               the               Morrill               Act               in               1862.

This               bill,               named               for               its               primary               advocate               (a               Vermont               Congressman),               was               instrumental               in               making               collegiate               education               a               national               goal.

It               helped               with               the               founding               of               M.I.T.,               the               University               of               Wisconsin               at               Madison,               Cornell               University,               and               nearly               70               other               schools.
               We               don't               know               if               Lincoln               had               a               hand               in               ferrying               silver               via               the               Underground               Railroad               to               Northern               troops               to               gun               down               Confederate               vampires               (as               seen               in               the               film               "Abraham               Lincoln:               Vampire               Hunter".

But               we               do               know               that               during               that               time,               he               was               creating               the               National               Academy               of               Sciences.

It               is               probably               because               Lincoln               realized               the               importance               of               science               not               only               in               elections,               but               also               in               battlefield               technology,               something               that               gave               his               forces               the               edge               over               the               better               military               officers               the               South               had.
               Few               pieces               of               legislation               have               as               much               bipartisan               support               in               our               nation's               history               (then               and               now)               as               the               G.


Bill               that               sent               so               many               veterans               to               college               after               World               War               II.

It               was               renewed               and               boosted               after               9/11,               though               for-profit               colleges               are               the               prime               beneficiaries.
               But               in               more               recent               years,               with               budget               pressures               on               national,               state               and               local               budgets,               the               appetite               for               continued               funding               of               college               education               appears               to               wane               for               many               legislators               and               chief               executives               in               politics.

Is               that               attitude               shared               by               members               of               the               public?
               A               Carnegie               Corporation               poll               showed               that               76               percent               of               Americans               feel               higher               education               is               a               right,               with               about               half               of               those               surveyed               supporting               this               view               intensely.

Given               the               overwhelming               evidence               showing               how               higher               education               graduates               outperform               their               counterparts               with               some               or               no               college               in               earnings               over               a               lifetime,               it's               no               surprise.
               But               should               it               be               a               "right?"               Even               college               professors               are               split               on               the               subject.

"Some               students               in               my               classes               aren't               ready               for               higher               education,"               a               professor               in               the               sciences               told               me.

"At               the               same               time,               I               know               some               people               who               aren't               in               college               who               should               be.

They               just               couldn't               afford               it."
               Sure               enough,               that               same               Carnegie               Corporation               survey               showed               two-thirds               listed               education               funding               as               the               biggest               barrier               to               higher               education.
               Few               would               want               to               admit               that               they               aren't               ready               for               college,               but               even               at               our               private               institution               we               have               students               who               clearly               aren't               ready               for               higher               education.

Colleagues               at               state               institutions               report               that               it's               even               worse.
               We               have               students               who               have               been               prepped               for               standardized               multiple               choice               tests,               and               little               else.

They're               not               ready               for               the               writing               papers,               taking               tests               with               essay               components,               word               problems               for               math,               and               giving               class               presentations               that               resemble               the               professional               presentations               of               the               business               world.
               But,               to               use               a               metaphor               from               today's               war               on               terrorism,               "you               don't               fight               with               the               army               you               want;               you               fight               with               the               army               you               have."               Those               words               from               George               W.

Bush's               Defense               Secretary               Donald               Rumsfeld,               illustrate               the               challenges               we               have               in               higher               education.
               Fix               "No               Child               Left               Behind               Act"               and               bring               back               the               kind               of               learning               students               will               need               in               the               real               world               (instead               of               easily               manipulated               bubble-in               the               answer               multiple               choice               tests)               and               hold               the               line               on               higher               education               funding               in               these               tough               economic               times,               if               you               can.

We'll               do               our               part               to               prepare               these               students               for               the               global               challenges               of               today               and               tomorrow.

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abraham lincoln college
abraham lincoln college

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abraham lincoln college
abraham lincoln college

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abraham lincoln college
abraham lincoln college

abraham lincoln college Image 3

abraham lincoln college
abraham lincoln college

abraham lincoln college Image 4

abraham lincoln college
abraham lincoln college

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                   Living               in               Illinois               and               hoping               to               go               to               one               of               the               numerous               higher               education               institutions               we               have               here               in               the               state?

    Living               anywhere               in               the               United               States               and               hoping               to               make               the               move               to               the               Land               of               Lincoln               in               the               noble               pursuit               of               further               education?

    Well               here               is               a               brief               cost               comparison               across               the               educational               spectrum               along               with               some               highlights               of               three               such               institutions               in               Illinois.

                   State               :               University               of               Illinois-               Chicago               (UIC)               
                   One               of               the               largest               universities               in               the               state               of               Illinois               with               three               separate               branches               as               well               as               this               writer's               Alma               Mater               is               the               University               of               Illinois-Chicago.

    The               University               of               Illinois               system               consists               of               the               Chicago               branch               as               well               as               the               Urbana-Champaign,               and               Springfield               branches.

    This               mammoth               university               is               one               of               the               biggest               employers               in               the               state               and               is               a               top               tier               research               university.

    The               Chicago               branch               (UIC)               has               a               diverse               student               population               numbering               around               25,000               and               consisting               of               both               undergraduate               as               well               as               graduate               students.

    A               more               careful               look               at               the               student               population               demographics               can               be               obtained               here.

    UIC               has               15               different               colleges               to               choose               from               in               your               educational               pursuit               and               the               nation's               largest               medical               school.
                   Tuition               for               in               state               students/semester               -               $4,882               Tuition               for               out               of               state               students/semester-               $11,077               Total               cost               of               attendance               in               state               (tuition               +fees               +               miscellaneous)/semester               -               $6,732-8,650               Total               cost               of               attendance               out               of               state               (tuition               +fees               +               miscellaneous)/semester               -               $12,927-14,845               
                   Private               :               Loyola               University-Chicago               
                   What               if               you               don't               envision               yourself               at               a               public               university?

    You               then               always               have               to               option               to               aim               for               one               the               numerous               private               universities               available               to               you               in               Illinois.

    One               such               private               university               is               Loyola               University-Chicago               located               on               the               north               side               of               Chicago.

    Loyola               university               is               the               nation's               largest               Jesuit,               Catholic               University               and               has               an               enrollment               of               roughly               16,000               plus               students               on               its               campuses.

    It               has               over               71               undergraduate               majors               as               well               as               a               multitude               of               minors,               master,               and               doctoral               degrees               available.

    The               university               has               four               different               campus               locations               and               dates               back               to               1870.

                   Tuition/semester               -               $16,905.00               Total               cost               of               attendance               (tuition               +fees               +               miscellaneous)/semester               -               +$17,500               
                   Community:               College               of               Dupage               
                   Last               but               not               least,               you               might               be               one               of               the               many               students               who               do               not               consider               a               4-year               degree               as               the               right               fit               or               you               could               simply               want               to               save               some               money               on               basic               courses               and               then               transfer               to               a               4-year               institution.

    This               might               lead               you               to               one               of               the               many               community               colleges               available               in               Illinois               that               offer               affordable               tuition               and               flexible               class               times.

    One               such               community               college               is               the               west               suburbs               of               Chicago               is               the               College               of               Dupage               (COD).

    The               biggest               community               college               (excluding               the               state               of               California),               it               has               roughly               an               enrollment               of               31,000               students               each               semester.

    COD               offers               90               different               certificate               programs               and               9               associate               degrees               in               a               variety               of               transferable               programs.

    This               community               college,               which               this               author               is               also               familiar               with,               has               recently               expanded               vastly               and               shows               great               potential.

    Not               only               does               it               offer               a               variety               of               classes               for               decent               prices               but               also               caters               to               non-traditional               students               who               might               require               non-traditional               class               times               due               to               work               or               family               issues.
                   Tuition               for               in               district/               credit               hour               -               $132               Tuition               for               out               of               district/credit               hour-               $319               Tuition               for               out               of               state/credit               hour               -$389               *Tuition               for               in               district               /semester               -               $2112               *Tuition               for               out               of               district/semester               -$5104               *Tuition               for               out               of               state/               semester               -               $6224               *Tuition/semester               based               on               associate               degree               consisting               of               64               credits.

    ***               All               tuition               data               reflect               undergraduate               degrees               costs.



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